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Choosing Wisely -koulutussarja – Choosing Wisely educational series

Choosing Wisely -koulutussarja - Choosing Wisely educational series
15:00 - 16:00

Choosing Wisely -koulutussarja

Choosing Wisely International De-Implementation Research Network järjestää sarjan koulutuksia, joissa käsitellään keskeisiä de-implementaatiotutkimuksen osa-alueita. Esitelmissä keskitytään siihen, miten päästään alkuun, mahdollisiin ongelmiin, joita tutkijat kohtaavat sekä ratkaisuihin.

Neljän tapaamisen koulutussarja järjestetään vuoden 2024 aikana, joista ensimmäinen tapaaminen on 9.4. klo 15.00. Ilmoittaudu mukaan täällä lomakkeella. Zoom-linkki lähetetään ilmoittautuneille muutamaa päivää ennen tapaamista.

Katso tästä koulutussarjan aiheet ja puhujat (aikataulu tarkentuu):

  1. Identification of potential areas for de-implementation and measuring low-value care use – Sacha Bhatia, 9.4. klo 15.00
  2. Identifying barriers and facilitators to de-implementation and potential de-implementation interventions – Andrea Patey
  3. Evaluation of de-implementation programs – Effectiveness
  4. Evaluation of de-implementation programs – Process evaluation


Choosing Wisely educational series

Choosing Wisely International De-Implementation Research Network arranges a series of educational meetings on key areas of de-implementation research. These would be of interest to anybody wondering where to start their de-implementation activities.

The presentations will focus on how to get started, potential problems researchers will face, and solutions.

The meetings will be arranged during the year 2024.

1. Identification of potential areas for de-implementation and measuring low-value care use – Sacha Bhatia
2. Identifying barriers and facilitators to de-implementation and potential de-implementation interventions – Andrea Patey
3. Evaluation of de-implementation programs – Effectiveness
4. Evaluation of de-implementation programs – Process evaluation

Timeline: April, June, September, and (early) December or end of November

In the first session on 9 April at 8am EST (2pm CET), Associate Professor Sacha Bhatia will present on “Identification of potential areas for de-implementation and measuring low-value care use”. This would be of interest to anybody wondering where to start their de-implementation activities.

After the 60-minute session will be followed by a special 30-minute session for early career researchers (PhD students and post-doc researchers) where you can share your experiences on the topic and ask questions.

All are welcome! Please repost and especially encourage early career researchers to attend.

How to join?

Register here: Please also register if you are not able to attend the first meeting, but are interested in the next sessions. A link for the zoom meeting will be sent to you a couple of days before session.